International Workshop on Ontologies and Knowledge Bases
Craiova, Romania, September 2-4, 2015
held in conjunction
with the
7th Balkan
Conference in Informatics - BCI 2015
Artificial intelligence provides theories, techniques, methods and technologies that have a major impact on the development of nowadays intelligent systems. Ontologies and knowledge bases are key modules and tools of intelligent systems that are based on knowledge. They contain concepts and knowledge of a specific expertise domain, being used with success in real world applications from that domain.
The aim of the WOKB workshops is to contribute to the advancement and usage of ontologies and knowledge bases in various applications of intelligent systems from the domains of engineering, education (e-learning), environmental protection, medicine, e-commerce, e-business, management etc. See the Topics section for more information.
A selection of the best papers accepted and presented at WOKB 2015 will be invited for extension and possible inclusion (subject to an additional review process) into a Special Issue of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence (IJAI), planned to be published in 2016.