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Title: Building a logic for a public administration service transformation algorithm
Author(s): I. Savvas, N. Bassiliades, E. Pimenidis, A. Sideridis.
Keywords: Transformational government, Public Administration operational model, Public Administration effectiveness, Public Administration efficiency.
Appeared in: E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World, 5th International Conference, E-Democracy 2013, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 441, pp. 73-79, Athens, Greece, Dec 5-6, 2013, 2014.
Abstract: This paper presents a rationale for establishing a Public Administration Service Transformation Algorithm. It introduces an abstract top level reusable model representing how Public Administration (PA) operates in providing services to the citizens, based on an input-output model. The approach adopted here is a goal-oriented one, placing the administrative act at the centre of PA’s operation, as act is the means of expressing PA’s will. In this way an algorithm which may identify malfunctions, propose services and conceptualize systems to remedy failings in service provision could be built. Using PA’s performance, both in effectiveness and efficiency to spot problems, and based on the improvement of these features, suggestions of services and systems could be made.
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