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Title: Providing a context-aware location based web service through semantics and user-defined rules
Author(s): I. Viktoratos, A. Tsadiras, N. Bassiliades.
Keywords: Semantic web, Ontologies, Rules, Context, Location Based Services, Points of Interest, Preferences, Group-Targeted Offers.
Appeared in: Proc. 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS’14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, DOI=10.1145/2611040.261, pp. Article 9, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2-4 2014, 2014.
Abstract: In this paper, the design and the implementation of a novel context-aware location based service is presented, called "Geo SPLIS/Geographic Semantic Personalized Location Information System". Geo SPLIS offers users the capability to add their own contextualized preferences regarding Points of Interests (POIs) and combines them with POI owners group targeted offers to deliver high quality personalized information. In order to achieve this, the presented system a) collects data from external sources such as Google Places API, POIs' websites and Google+b) adopts the schema.org ontology to represent people and places profiles, c) provides a user friendly web editor for adding rules at run time, d) uses RuleML and Jess compatible rules to model user preferences and group-targeted place offers and make them machine executable, e) stores data and rules in the Sesame RDF triple store and f) evaluates these data and rules on-the-fly so that to deliver POIs and offers matching user context, presented on Google Maps. Geo SPLIS aims to address some issues regarding knowledge-based personalization in location based services and provide a collaborative knowledge creation platform for other systems in the web.
See also : GeoSPLIS