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Title: Agents and Knowledge Interoperability in the Semantic Web Era
Author(s): N. Bassiliades.
Keywords: Multiagent systems, Semantic Web, Rules, Ontologies, Reasoning Engines, Knowledge Interoperability.
Appeared in: Proc. 2nd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS’ 12), Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Rajendra Akerkar, Costin Badica (Ed.), ACM, pp. 46-58, Craiova, Romania, June 13-15, 2012, 2012.
Abstract: This tutorial will discuss about issues, technologies and tools that concern the way that the Semantic Web affects knowledge and information interchange among intelligent agents in multi-agent systems, as well as reasoning interoperability. First, the tutorial will discuss how semantic web rules and ontologies interact with each other in order to be used as the agent's internal knowledge base for environment awareness and decision making. Then, interoperability between reasoning systems for agents will be discussed. The issues involved in all the previous discussion will be exemplified using actual implemented tools for semantic web reasoning in multi-agents systems.
See also : Tutorial slides