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Title: A Trusted Defeasible Reasoning Service for Brokering Agents in the Semantic Web
Author(s): K. Kravari, E. Kontopoulos, N. Bassiliades.
Availability: Click here to download the PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (6 pages).
Keywords: intelligent agents, multi-agent system, defeasible reasoning, brokering agents.
Appeared in: 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2009), 13-14 October, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 237, pp. 243-248, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 2009.
Abstract: Based on the plethora of proposals and standards for logic- and rule-based reasoning for the Semantic Web (SW), a key factor for the success of SW agents is interoperability of reasoning tasks. This paper reports on the first steps towards a framework for interoperable reasoning among agents in the SW that deploys third-party trusted reasoning services. This way, agents can exchange their arguments, without the need to conform to a common rule or logic paradigm – via an external reasoning service, the receiving agent can grasp the semantics of the received rule set. The paper presents how a multi-agent system was extended with a third-party trusted defeasible reasoning service, which offers agents the ability of reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information. In addition, a brokering trade scenario is presented that illustrates the usability of the approach.
See also : EMERALD