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Title: An Empirical Study of Sea Water Quality Prediction
Author(s): E. Hatzikos, G. Tsoumakas, G. Tzanis, N. Bassiliades, I. Vlahavas.
Availability: Click here to download the PDF (Acrobat Reader) file.
Appeared in: Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, 21(6), pp. 471-478, 2008.
Abstract: This paper studies the problem of predicting future values for a number of water quality variables, based on measurements from under-water sensors. It performs both exploratory and automatic analysis of the collected data with a variety of linear and nonlinear modeling methods. The paper investigates issues, such as the ability to predict future values for a varying number of days ahead and the effect of including values from a varying number of past days. Experimental results provide interesting insights on the predictability of the target variables and the performance of the different learning algorithms.
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