Attention: Journal Publication Opportunity for Accepted AI4SG Papers!
We have made arrangements with "Advances in Building Energy Research"
a peer-reviewed international journal, providing an opportunity for AI4SG authors to publish their work.
Specifically, we have arranged for a special issue containing (extended versions of) papers from the workshop, with a rapid review procedure.
This is pending that enough interest is expressed by AI4SG accepted papers authors (e.g., 5 papers or more should be contained in the special issue).
Call for papers
We plan to welcome papers describing finalized research, as well as work-in-progress. We also welcome
submissions that have appeared in AI, MAS, or Power Systems and other IEEE conferences. These will be included in
the electronic proceedings with a link to the original source. The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Intelligent agents and multiagent systems (for the Smart Grid)
- Machine learning
- Optimization
- Game theory
- Coalition formation and virtual power plants
- Agent-based simulation
- Aggregation frameworks and mechanism design
- Electricity markets and auctions
- Demand response
- Dynamic pricing
- Electric vehicles and transportation electrification
- Smart grids design
- Power-grid transmission and distribution management
- Smart buildings
- Advanced metering infrastructure/ smart meters
- Renewable energy sources - production and forecasting
- Load forecasting and price forecasting
- Generation, load, and price forecasting in deregulated markets
- Grid data analytics
- Data centers
- Non-intrusive load monitoring
- Internet of things
Paper length, format and submission
Each submission will be peer-reviewed by members of the PC. All submissions should be formatted following Springer's LNCS format, and all papers should be up to 15 pages in length. Short papers and abstracts are also welcomed.
Templates and instructions for authors can be found here.
All papers must be submitted throught the AI4SM's 2016 Easychair submittion site.
Post proceedings publication
AI4SG is considered a nonĀarchival venue and there are no published proceedings, though informal proceedings will be distributed to all workshop participants. This means that publishing a paper in AI4SG should not prevent one from submitting it to a conference or a journal at the same or later time. The requirement to use the LNCS format is imposed to ensure uniformity.